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R.Test Evolution 4

One of the strongest features of the R.Test ECG device is that it analyses the ECG signal in ‘real-time’ whilst the patient is wearing the device.


​Analysing the ECG in real-time allows us to collect only the relevant strips of ECG that contain arrhythmia and those that are of particular interest. Eliminating the need to store large volumes of full-disclosure ECG data, not only facilitates much quicker analysis and reporting, but can also significantly reduce data transmission times and storage requirements.


The best results will always be achieved by maintaining a high quality ECG signal throughout each test. Gaining and maintaining a good quality ECG signal with the R.Test is not difficult but it does demand reasonable care when setting up the device and during patient hook-up.


To help you achieve the best possible signal quality and therefore the best results from your R.Test systems, we have put together the following detailed guidance.

CM5 R.Test ECG Cables

The R.Test's ECG cable should should fit securely when connected to the R.Test. It should not feel loose or pull out easily and it should not feel compromised in any way. 


Review your R.Test ECG patient cables on a regular basis, at least every 12 months; removing any faulty leads from service.


Under regular use, the average life of an R.Test ECG cable is between 12-18 months. The first 2 numerical characters  of the serial number indicate the year of manufacture. The serial number is printed on the collar of every cable,  you can check this to get an indication of its approximate age.  

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The Supportive Necklace

Always use the supportive coiled necklace supplied with the ECG cable, this integral component of the system is the best way to ensure that any movement or motion artefact is avoided. Minimising artefact improves accuracy and can also help to reduce post-monitoring analysis times. 

*In exceptional circumstances, if the supportive necklace cannot be used, alternative methods of securing the device should be implemented.


We now supply 3 necklaces with each CM5 ECG cable, as the necklace will not last as long as the V5 (straight) part. Additional necklaces can also be purchased separately if required.


The necklace is detachable from the V5 part of the cable and once detached, can be easily cleaned in a bowl of soapy water before leaving to dry.


Alternatively, we have recently introduced the 99J disinfectant spray to keep the task of cleaning and sanitisation simple. For more information about this, please contact

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Skin Preparation

Hair removal:
Removing any hair on and around the electrode site is essential, hair prevents the electrode from sticking to the chest properly and is a very poor conductor of electricity.


Before placing the ECG electrodes on the patient’s chest, clean the area well using an alcohol wipe or similar to remove any lotions, potions, talc etc. This will also help remove any dead, non-conducting skin cells.


Ensure the electrode site is properly dried by gently rubbing the area with a paper towel.

ECG Electrodes

Choose good quality, long term electrodes.


Specifically designed, long term ECG electrodes should always be used for long term ECG monitoring. We recommend the BluSensor VLC 00S from Ambu for its hypoallergenic properties and excellent signal quality. The blue extended tab of this electrode also acts as a stress loop and further reduces motion artefact.


To ensure stable ECG signals throughout the monitoring period, electrodes should be replaced as necessary, typically at 3-4 day intervals. 

Electrode Placement

For optimum signal quality, place the first electrode on the sternum at the sternal angle (Angle of Louis) and the second at the V5 position as shown below:

Avoid pressing on the center of the electrode when fitting. The center of the electrode contains a specially formed conductive wet gel and this should not be squeezed out or dispersed.


Taking these simple steps when setting up and fitting the R.Test device to your patient/s will make a substantial difference to the quality of the results you can expect to achieve when using the R.Test ECG system.


For further information and support for all your Novacor systems and devices, please get in touch. Send an email to, or call us on -

+44 (0) 1322 660200


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RTest Evolution 4

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ECG Analysis Service

The comprehensive ECG analysis service. Reduce wait times, detect AF faster and treat patients sooner. 

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